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December 13, 2017
1. Are you and your parents taking extra days off at Christmas break? A vacation form needs to be submitted to the office prior to the absence so that Mr. Carter can approve the absence.

2. Help us spread happiness this Christmas by being a part of Project Happy-Christmas. We are asking that you join us in purchasing, filling and wrapping one shoebox for children in Erie County. Return it to the school office or one of the drop spots listed on the flyer. OHgo will be picking up the shoebox gifts on December 19th. Thank you for participating and making a difference this Christmas.

3. Abi and Hannah Miller will be picking up items you have collected for the Chemo Care drive on December 18th. They will be delivered in Christmas care packages to kids in the chemo care unit at University Hospital over winter break. Help your homeroom win a doughnut party while collecting items to make a child smile! Thank you for your support.
4. We are half way through our Holiday Spirit Week. Currently, Mrs. Aber and Mrs. Brown's homerooms are in the lead. Teacher's - today, in order for students to count towards your spirit count totals, they need to have on at least 2 of the 3 colors - red, green, and white. Remember tomorrow is Santa Hats and Friday is Ugly Sweaters. The winning homerooms will be announced Monday.

5. This Friday, Bob Lippert, Police Chief, will be here for our Future Friday’s presentation during study halls. Please check in with homerooms and wait for the announcement to be called down to the auditorium.

6. Power of the Pen important meeting: Come this Friday to hear about the changes and write. We still need 7th grade writers!

7. There will be a meeting right after school tomorrow in the girls soccer locker room for 8th grade girls interested in playing soccer next year.

8. Coding Club is cancelled today. Mrs. LaCrosse will see you in the new year.